Since we last chatted, we are a team member down, with Daniel leaving us to work in Auckland at the Airport. We suspect that there is a female involved. 🙂 We are in the recruitment process but is proving difficult to find a suitable replacement. This has meant we have fallen behind in our tax return filing and annual account preparation. So if you have been waiting – we apologise. We have a plan to catch up and as our proficiency with Xero improves, that will also help (no four day working weeks here). Please call the office if you need your accounts urgently.
Our farmer clients should be coming to the end of calving and whilst Fonterra have cut the 18/19 forecast payout back / scrapped the dividend for October the share price has fallen as predicted. Therefore if you need shares, maybe buy sooner rather than wait until December?
Our new Government continue to tweak things in the taxation system so we are kept busy keeping up to date with changes and proposed changes so that we can plan and advise clients accordingly.
Let’s enjoy those teasing spring days when you swear it feels like summer.
Talk soon, Mark